Negroven company dedicated to the production of Carbon Black for the rubber, plastic and ink industries, among others.
Negroven, industrial plant certified under the norms ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, located in Valencia, Venezuela.
Negroven, S.A., founded in Valencia, Venezuela in 1962.
Since then, it has maintained a constant technological progress and improvement in its processes, increasing its production capacity, improving the quality of its products, preserving the environment and biodiversity, caring for the safety and health of its workers and raising their quality of life.< br />
In 1995 it obtained its first certification with the ISO Standards and maintains an integrated Management System, certified under the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.
Negroven will be a great company, the best in all the markets it serves, particularly with regard to safety, quality and innovation; Satisfaction of its staff, customers and community; And return to its shareholders.
We value Integrity We act with high standards of ethics and personal integrity, always complying with all laws and regulations.
Here some of our most important certifications