Carbon Black N-375

General Description:
N-375 is a reinforcing Carbon Black.
It gives better elongation, cut/chip and tear properties to rubber than ASTM N-330, N-339 and N-347 carbon black.
It gives lower compound viscosity and modulus than that imparted by ASTM N339 carbon black.
It is particularly suited for tire treads that require good wear resistance with improved cut/chip resistance.
The product is also well-suited for tire inner part applications, including side wall and  bead/apex.
It is also recommended for conveyor belts, solid tires, and other industrial rubber products requiring good abrasion resistance with good cut/chip resistance and without high  hysteresis.

Processing Features:
Its ease of dispersion makes it processing friendly.

Typical Applications:
Treads of passenger and truck tires.
Inner tire parts including side wall, base/under-tread and bead/apex.
Truck tire re-treads.
Solid tires.
Hose covers.
Conveyor belts.

Carbon Black for Industrial Applications.
Negroven, S.A. does not endorse the use of its products in any direct application or applications that will be in contact with food, cosmetics or medicines.

Physical and Chemical Properties: